How to Stop Problem Gambling
Problem gambling can have many different causes and symptoms. For some, gambling may be a way of self-soothing or socializing. For others, it may be...
How to Lose in Poker
If you've ever watched a horror movie, you know the feeling of'sucking out.' When the best hand fails to win, the hero gets yanked into...
The Odds of Winning at a Slot Machine
The odds of winning at a Slot machine depend on the odds table. The par sheet specifies the weightings of symbols and blanks in each...
Effects of Gambling on Gamblers
While the positive economic impacts of gambling have been studied extensively, few studies have examined how this activity affects the gamblers themselves. There are also...
The Basics of Poker
The first step in playing the game of poker is to call the Ante. This involves placing a nickel into the pot, and is called...
What is a Slot Machine?
A Slot machine is a casino game wherein players can win credits by lining up three or more identical symbols. These symbols can be either...
Gambling Addiction
When a person has a gambling addiction, he or she often repeats the same behavior to feel the same high. The person may even bet...
The Basics of Poker
Players have the right to check, raise, or fold, but only if they voluntarily choose to do so. This action, also known as a "bet...
How to Play Slot
Before we dive into how to play Slot, let's first talk about the various types of slot machines. Traditionally, slot machines have only been available...
When to Stop Gambling
While it is tempting to indulge in gambling, it's also important to know when to stop. Gambling can become a habit that you're unlikely to...