Gambling in Long-Term Care Facilities
Gambling is any activity in which wealth changes hands primarily on the basis of chance and involves risk. Examples include betting, fruit machines, lottery and casino games. The activities involve no creative effort, no useful skill, and they do not provide for responsible investment. While many people engage in gambling in a socially acceptable and enjoyable manner, there is a small group of individuals who become seriously involved and continue to gamble despite negative personal, family and financial consequences.
Mainstream Christian belief has always viewed gambling as incompatible with the Bible’s teaching. It is a form of idolatry, as it puts one’s own desires ahead of God’s will. The Apostle Paul states that “the love of money is a root of all evil”. (2)
Although gambling can take place in any number of settings, it is most commonly done in places like casinos, racetracks and on the Internet. Gambling can also take the form of private wagers between friends and family in a home setting, for example card games such as poker or bridge. In such cases, the participants wager chips or money for enjoyment and friendly competition.
Some individuals, especially older adults, enjoy gambling and find it a way to pass the time in a pleasant, entertaining fashion. This is an important aspect of aging that should be celebrated and supported. Behavioral research has shown that gambling can improve mood and happiness, and enhance quality of life in some elderly persons. Therefore, it is worthwhile to explore the possibility of allowing a limited amount of gambling in long-term care facilities, and to conduct controlled examinations of preference for and reaction to gambling stimuli.