Slot-Based Scheduling
In computing, a slot is an opening in a computer in which you can insert printed circuit boards to expand the capabilities of the system. A slot can also refer to a time block in which work is scheduled according to priority and deadlines. Slot-based scheduling methods can help teams prioritize their workload and achieve important goals by establishing clear timelines for completing tasks. This type of scheduling method is also applicable to organizing meetings with staff and managers.
In a casino, a slot machine is a game where players place cash or, in “ticket-in, ticket-out” machines, a paper ticket with a barcode into a slot to activate the reels. The symbols on the reels then change, and if the player matches a winning combination, they earn credits based on a paytable. The credits are shown on a credit meter, which is typically a seven-segment display on mechanical slot machines or a screen on video slots.
A slot receiver, or slot corner, is a position in American football in which the player is near the nearest linebacker on defense and can receive passes from the quarterback or other wideouts. This position is starting to replace the fullback in some offenses as teams move toward spread systems and more athletes are matched up against defenders of similar size and speed. The slot receiver can take advantage of this matchup by getting open quickly. When this strategy is used effectively, it can give an offense a significant advantage in a passing game.